Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tell Obama we need jobs, not more expensive cars

Here's a bit of info that just drifted across my desk. I did a little research before I posted this, just to confirm what it is. There really is an Institute for Energy Research, Tom Pyle really is the president, and this is an e-mail action alert he sent out on Friday.

For more information about IER, go to

So here is the alert:

The Obama Administration needs to hear from you. They are working to raise the price of cars and trucks by at least $1,100 per vehicle with the goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Increasing the price of cars will harm families and make America less competitive economically. America needs affordable transportation, not costly regulation and new mandates.

The Obama Administration wants to require that all cars and trucks to get an average of 35 mpg by 2016. This will be difficult and expensive, if not impossible. The tiny car in this picture only gets 36 mpg. What about all other cars? What about minivans to carry the kids? What about regular-sized cars to get to work comfortably?

What about full-sized trucks necessary for many construction jobs?

President Obama’s plan will be very expensive. Estimates say it could cost the auto industry over $100 billion, harming these already struggling businesses. The Administration claims this mandate will only cost $1,100 per car. But IHS Global Insight found that while the price of small cars may only increase by $1,000, larger cars and trucks will be $5,000 more expensive under a similar plan. Higher car prices means less jobs in the auto industry and fewer car choices for all Americans.

Your voice will make a difference. Send your comments to EPA right now by clicking here.

The Obama Administration claims it wants to regulate carbon dioxide to address global climate change. However, their report shows that this plan will reduce global temperature by a maximum of 16 thousandths of a degree Celsius (0.016 °C) by 2100. That’s not a joke or a misprint. The Obama Administration, according to their reports, wants to increase the cost of automobiles by thousands of dollars to reduce global temperature by a few thousandths of a degree 90 years down the road.

Forward this email to family and friends so we can send a clear message to the Administration that America needs jobs and a sound economy—not more regulations and mandates.

Thank you,

Tom Pyle
President, Institute for Energy Research

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